Premium Pass - NFT Info

Here is a brief overview of the tokenomics of My Space:

  • Contract type: My Space NFT is an ERC-1155 token, which is a multi-token standard that combines the functionality of previous standards like ERC-20 and ERC-721. It enables more efficient trades and transaction bundling, lowering transaction costs. It is mainly used for NFTs, which are increasing in popularity.

  • Symbol: The symbol token is “My Space”.

  • Total supply: The total supply is 4999.

  • Mint price: The mint price per NFT is 0.2 ETH.

  • Purchase amount: There is no limit to the number of NFT's that can be purchased.

  • Transferable: NFT is transferable.

  • Burnable: NFT is burnable.

  • Available on OpenSea: My Space NFT's are available on OpenSea, which is a popular marketplace for NFTs.

  • Reselling on OpenSea: You can buy, sell, and auction My Space NFT's on OpenSea.

ERC-1155 is a flexible and efficient token standard that enables the transfer of multiple token types in a single transaction. It has become increasingly popular in the NFT space due to its ability to bundle multiple assets in one contract and reduce gas fees.

Last updated