Getting Started

Getting Started

To embark on your journey in the My Space metaverse, follow these steps:

1. Acquire a My Space Premium Pass (Optional):

  • The first step is to mint your My Space Premium Pass. You can do this through our official channels , ensuring you have the key to unlock your My Space privileges.

2. Avatar Creator:

  • Create your unique avatar with ReadyPlayerMe and import your avatar onto Daoversal's My Space Platform. You will be able to use your own personalized avatar within your own space or join anyone's space and switch between avatars at any time. Link:

3. Explore My Space:

  • Once you've created an avatar, log in to My Space, using metamask or wallet connect and explore the limitless possibilities. Create your unique space, invite friends, and start hosting events in your personalized oasis. Note: The launch of my space metaverse will be in the first quarter of 2024.

4. Join the Community:

  • Connect with fellow My Space enthusiasts, explore other spaces, share your experiences, and stay up to date with the latest metaverse trends. Please note My Space Premium user will also be granted access to exclusive community events and content.

Last updated